Fratèlibénar was born in 2004 on the idea of the Besnard brothers, impassioned by this beautiful instrument and possibilities that it offers, to propose a “face lift” to the accordion. Possibilities of this instrument are enormous and it have its place in any type of orchestra as in solo. Its versatility exceeds all the instruments known at present, being able to be one evening the star of a traditional orchestra, the following day the guide of one of the most prestigious jazz formations, and two days later the ideal companion of a solo singer.
The instrumental invoice always seemed us magic, the music being without question the most universal language of all, and we feel a deep respect for all those which took part and which still take part to the evolution of musical instruments all over the world. Playing music in touristic Paris' streets, we were brought to look inside our instruments to repair their weaknesses, then to adapt them to our desires. Thus, of day in day, we were interested more and more in repair and instrumental invoice and finally decided to follow this line. We above all are impassioned and seek to enjoy our hobby everyday.

After working in partnership with the Museum of Mechanical Music of Dollon (72), we currently propose construction, on the basis of new or second-hand instrument, of self-playing accordions controlled by MIDI files.
Do not hesitate to visit us to test our instruments, to ask us an estimate for repairing or automation, and to better discover our trade. We are open every day on go.
Living in Clichy (92), I began a training with Guy Duchêne (L'Atelier de l'Accordage), then with Cavagnolo, in Beynost (01), accordions which remain, from my point of view, in the best market instruments.
It is then at summer 2007 that the adventure started with the opening of a first workshop in Dollon (72)… in a caravan. The narrowness was quickly felt and a few months later, the arrival of a 20 square meters fairground trailer offered a new breath to the factory in becoming
This experiment lasted 1 year before being able to invest in a new enlarging. We then took place in a hangar near from there which finally enabled us to accomodate your instruments under more "conventionnal" conditions. But it was not yet sufficient. The difficult winter conditions imposed a better isolated workshop to be able to accomodate you all the year under the best conditions.

Without forgotting the partnership engaged during these 4 years with the Museum of Mechanical Music of Dollon, we have built a wooden workshop of 60 square meters between Évaillé and Maisoncelles (72) which have opened on May 25, 2011.